Saturday, April 2, 2011

Weekend Edition

Heard this weekend from one of our early readers.  Beth lives in RI and is an attorney.  Here's what she wrote:  "I'm very passionate about sustainable living, especially when it comes to supporting local farmers and businesses.  I follow Slow Food USA (and a sort of local counterpart, Farm Fresh RI) which essentially promote good, clean and fair food.  I also have an extreme interest in making people more aware of how and what they eat and of the growing problem with genetically modified products.  I've always eaten local or organic but the documentary Food, Inc. really changed my life!!  Have you seen it? It seems like we're on the same page!"

Beth got me thinking about an aspect of green I had not done much thinking about:  Supporting local producers of  "good, clean and fair food".  So, my job this weekend is to do some research on Slow Food USA and Farm Fresh RI.  I've asked Beth if she'd help put a show together profiling both organizations, while "making people aware of how and what they eat and of the growing problem with genetically modified products".  Sounds like a great show.

In the meantime I would love to hear from anyone connected with either group, and from anyone with knowledge on the subject.  I'd also like suggestions for guests and experts.

This is exactly how our show will  grow:  from real people with passion and insight into some aspect of finding the cleaner, more natural, more organic side of life. I'm not an expert on any of the subject matter.  That is why I am the host asking questions.  However, like Beth, I have a passion for making people aware of  simple alternatives in life, and I want to help them live healthier lives.

Thanks, Beth.  Felt good to get the first letter, and suggestions, into Renewable Now.

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