Didier Tranchier, President of IT Capital, has transformed many times. Early on he worked for a major French company heading up operations in the US. From there he started his own companies and sold them after running them successfully. He then started to focus on helping new co's, particularly around clean tech, find seed money and gain traction. But his last metamorphosis may be the most dramatic; he is changing his life in response to the strong influence of his children.
Didier has traveled the world. He is one of our most respected leaders on smart cities. From India to Asia to small Caribbean Islands and back to his home in France, he has witnessed incredible progress in building a low-carbon economic system for the world.
Who are some of the companies he sees as leaders in this space? We will not give you all the answers here, tune in to get it all to this brilliant conversation, but they include ride sharing, like Uber, space travel like Space X and brand new car co's like Tesla. What makes them special? Why are they leading us through the next great industrial revolution? - See more at: http://www.renewablenow.biz/renewable-now-headlines.html#sthash.94l93cXh.dpuf
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