Allison Newsome, today’s guest, is an amazing artist. From her early days, inspired by the CA redwoods, Allison has captured and reused nature to create beautiful and functional pieces of work.
Recently that manifested in her designs for ceramic rain capture that now grace parks in New England. She is designing extraordinary rain capture cisterns into classic buildings. Her designs marry the old with the new. She showcases old pieces with modern uses. The story of reinventing history is a remarkable part of this interview.
Allison Newsome is an educator, renowned artist, friend to the environment, world traveler sharing her work and blends unique talents around architecture and art into pragmatic solutions to some of our eco challenges. Allison imagines, and then shows us through her pieces, a lot about our interaction with the world around us. Her work inspires our spirits and souls. As always one person’s creativity takes us to unimagined places
RI’s Infrastructure Bank, Financing Sustainability and Beyond

At RNN we talk a lot about good policy. Sometimes that is government initiated; sometimes it is on a public/private front. Either way, as we’ve seen many times, good policy will become a platform for collaboration, investment, and growth.
Today’s guest, Jeffrey Diehl, Executive Director and CEO of Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, and his organization thrive under the umbrella of regulatory innovation. Starting off in RI as the Clean Water Finance Agency, the RIIB has grown from a micro concentration on water improvements to helping fund tremendous overall success in the State. Jeff and his team now finance efficiency gains, renewables, restoring brown fields into economic centers and they offer valuable financing to cities and towns to rebuild their core.
Money breathes life into projects. Those projects reinvigorate commercial markets and entire communities. From the core of recycling gray water, into better bridges, roads, waste-to-energy facilities to great programs around helping companies cut costs and reinvest capital, these are the building blocks of smart commerce. All of this progress, of course, takes hard work, collaboration…such as you will hear from Jeff, a relationship with EPA–great design and quick, not painstaking, execution. Jeff’s background as a global investment banker fits perfectly with an agency entrusted with public debt and equity funds. His skill of evaluating good projects and getting them the seeds to make it work is a skill we all need. Even on a personal level.
This story and interview excites us. Here are the fundamentals, the foundation, of radically scripting a new world of the living and working. A financial world that benefits all, including the planet. RIIB has delivered to the State of RI and its people huge returns on better facilities, resources, jobs and a bright future for maintaining momentum. How will you, your company, your community diversify and expand? Here’s one very proven formula.
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