Good question. Yes, for the environment, no doubt. Can we, though, regain as many jobs in a low-carbon economy driven by renewables. We thing the answer is, yes, and well on its way. Job creation, as heard on our radio show this week, is at an all time high in solar.
Like a lot of employees, those coming out of production of fossil fuel will transition, we believe, with new skills and in an industry more sustainable, to a very clean and healthy world. This is a historic shift. One we will financially and socially appreciate for many centuries:

Already feeling the pinch of lower demand due in part to solar power uptake and energy efficiency, conventional U.S. electricity generators could be facing an additional USD $2 billion loss of revenue starting in a few years.
According to an article on Bloomberg , grid managers serving the eastern U.S. plan to reduce
expenditure on electricity purchases from conventional generators by approximately 1,400 megawatts – enough to fully power 780,000 households – starting in 2019.

In 2015, revenue from electricity sales in the U.S. fell 1.3 percent to $388.1 billion and almost 18,000 megawatts of conventional generation was retired. However, 7,286MW of solar PV was installed across the nation last year – the largest annual total ever.
A predicted 16 gigawatts of capacity – around 61.5 million solar panels – will be installed in the U.S. this year; representing year-over-year growth of 119%.
By 2021, the U.S. solar market may eclipse a cumulative total of 100 GW, with an annual installation rate of 20 GW or more. While a significant chunk of this activity will be focused on utility-scale, residential PV will certainly continue to make its presence felt.
If the grids decide to factor in power from rooftop solar power systems in the future, it would constitute “a double punch on the conventional power plants,” says George Katsigiannakis, a principal at ICF.
Mr. Katsigiannakis also cautioned that too much reliance on solar may result in an unstable grid – a point of view that some may argue against; particularly with the energy storage revolution moving along at a fairly rapid clip.
And on that topic, in January ICF also flagged that it was time for utilities to get cracking on addressing the impacts of energy storage.
“The critical question is no longer whether storage on the distribution and customer side of the grid is going to fulfill its promise,” states a white paper from the firm.
“Rather, our industry needs to begin to shift the debate away from the potential and focus on the longer view questions of ownership and placement of the systems.”
That white paper, Utilities and Storage: Will Optimizing on Resiliency Pull Storage Back from the Edge of the Grid?, can be downloaded here.

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