Wow, this is a great report which has amazing insight given it was written 10 years ago. We love the first sentence: "Climate change is ultimately a problem of dollars and cents across generations". To us that is the essence of the business side of green. Our prism is one of seeing transformation and a shift to sustainable future as a historic investment opportunity.
Yes, no doubt the world needs to shift from a fossil-fuel economy to one powered by clean energy. But it is not a chore; it is an incredible open road to permanent prosperity.
Even more promising, as we look back on this paper 10 years later, is the amazing progress we've made on reducing the costs of efficiency and renewables. Now our assets are incredible for racing away from traditional fuels. The landscape of clean, healthy development is better than ever. Ten years is a blink of an eye as we consider massive changes. Already we've advanced to unseen levels. The next ten years will get us close, if not at, 100% renewables.
10 Years on, Climate Economists Reflect on Stern Review
by Brian Kahn
change is ultimately a problem of dollars and cents across generations.
That’s because the actions society takes today to address climate
change — namely cutting carbon pollution
— won’t provide immediate benefits. Instead, those benefits will be
reaped in the coming years and decades and even centuries in the form of
fewer people dying from heat waves, cities not being submerged by rising seas, farmers dealing with reduced risk of mega-droughts.
all these costs and benefits in terms that governments can create
policies around and businesses can prepare for is no small task. Yet 10
years ago, that’s the Stern Review, a 700-page behemoth of a report,

The world's economy will need to
shift from one based on fossil fuels to one based on low carbon
by the British government and led by economist Nicholas Stern, the
massive report was the first of its kind to quantify the costs to
address climate change and its impact on the global economy vs. what
would happen if the world continued emitting carbon pollution unchecked.
found that cutting carbon emissions so that carbon dioxide peaked in
the range of 450-550 parts per million would cost 1 percent of the GDP
annually, but ignoring climate change could cause economic damage on the
order of up to 20 percent of the GDP. Translated into real world
numbers, the Stern Review put a price of about $85 per ton of carbon
pollution emitted today, well above the current rate used by the U.S. of $40 per ton.
It’s a stark finding — though one that has yet to inspire major action — that was both heralded as a breakthrough and hotly debated in the intervening decade.
Since the Stern Review’s publication, other economists have made estimates of what it would cost to address climate change, but the Stern Review still stands out as a seminal document similar to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports on science.
the 10-year anniversary coming up at the end of October, Climate
Central reached out to a group of leading and up-and-coming climate
economists dealing with the challenge of valuing climate action now and
into the future. Their answers are below, lightly edited for clarity and
What’s the legacy of the Stern Review?
How have its conclusions held up over time?
Andrew Steer, president of the World Resources Institute:
The legacy is exceedingly important. Until then, economists didn’t
really focus adequately on issues of climate change or at least they had
a relatively naive review of things. What the Stern Review did is by
careful way of marshalling evidence of costs and benefits, it provided a
massive leap forward in our understanding of the economics of climate
conclusions have stayed correct but the messages would be much stronger
if it were written today than they were then. The case for action is
much more clear today than it was back then. That’s partly because
technology has changed, making the transition to a low carbon future
much more cost-effective. Second, because we’re 10 years on, the problem
has become more obvious. Essentially, the costs of inaction have gone
up and costs of action have come down a lot.
Kate Gordon, vice chair of climate and sustainable urbanization at the Paulson Institute:
The Stern Review was critically important in moving the climate issue
from one of science to one of economics. It has inspired a huge amount
of work afterward, including the Risky Business Project, which in its
pilot phase was actually known as “the Stern Review for the U.S.” So its
legacy is one of opening the door to a sober economic conversation
about the implications of climate change, which is critically important.
Its specific conclusions may be less useful as we move from climate
diplomacy to the operational phase of climate mitigation, as those
economic and workforce development strategies are profoundly local and
must be done at a far more granular level than the Stern Review used.
Amir Jina, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chicago:
Two main contributions stand out to me. First, maybe more than any
other single publication, the Stern Review helped to reframe climate
change as an economic issue, not just a scientific one. Second, it
provided the research community with a strong motivation to discuss some
of the thornier questions about climate change economics — the debate
about how we value the future being perhaps the most obvious one.
There's a downside to the latter, in that it maybe made us focus too
much in the past decade on issues that were in the review rather than
all the evidence that wasn't in there.
What’s the biggest leap that climate economics
has made in the 10 years since the Stern Review?
Andrew Steer: The
Global Commission on the Economy and Climate put out a report (two
years ago) that has shown that the tradeoffs identified 10 years ago
don’t exist anymore. In other words, the Stern Review of today would
emphasize that climate change actions will lead to more dynamism in the
economy. It will lead to more technology and better competitiveness
around the world. With smart policies, you can move directly toward an
efficient, low carbon economy. That’s a big shift from 10 years ago.
Delavane Diaz, senior technical lead and economist at the Electric Power Research Institute:
The last decade has seen a major shift in the research community toward
interdisciplinary collaborations that bring together experts in the
physical sciences, climate impacts and adaptation, and greenhouse gas
mitigation. This means that researchers who have typically identified as
belonging to Working Groups 1, 2, or 3 of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) are now collaborating across those boundaries
to better understand the coupled human-earth system. A few examples of
these efforts include the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, the Inter-Sectoral Model Inter-comparison Project, and the Climate Impact Lab.
Gernot Wagner, economist at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences:
A recognition of how much we don't yet know, in particular about the
full impact of climate damages. Sadly, most everything we know about
what we don't know — or can't yet quantify — would push the correct
carbon price higher still, pushing the $40 'consensus' number ever
closer to the original Stern number and perhaps well above. It's those
unknowns and perhaps unknowables that put the "shock" into my book
“Climate Shock.” It's one thing to quantify what we know. It's another
to insure ourselves against the unknowns and unknowables.

An offshore wind project near Wales.
Are you hopeful the world will address
climate change in a cost effective, equitable way?
Kate Gordon: Yes.
It’s impossible to do this work without having some level of optimism. I
see businesses and investors, in particular, moving from skeptical
observation to concrete action. But we need a strong policy framework to
undergird that.
Delavane Diaz: Recent international achievements like the Paris Agreement, the Montreal Protocol HFC amendment, and the aviation emissions deal
are promising signs. However, there is still far to go — very stringent
mitigation efforts and effective adaptation will require substantial
investments and changes in the economy and energy system, with different
opportunities and pathways for different countries. While there will be
considerable costs involved, taking action is not optional — addressing
climate change is a societal and environmental imperative.
Gernot Wagner: It's
too late to be pessimistic. Sadly, it's also too late to be able to say
that there won't already be a lot of climate hurt baked in. Economists
like to insist on the cost-effective solution, but beggars can't be
choosers. Bottom line: we need to do much more than we are currently
doing. Globally, we are still subsidizing carbon emissions rather than
pricing them properly. In the end, we also need to realize that climate
policy demands a portfolio approach. That includes mitigation and
adaptation. It also includes carbon dioxide removal, which has very
similar properties to mitigation in the first place. Lastly, it includes
research into solar geoengineering, clearly not as a substitute but as a
complement to the first three.
Does stabilizing the climate at 450-550 ppm still seem
feasible from an economic and/or scientific perspective?
Kate Gordon: It’s
technically feasible, but it’s daunting. We need a major shift in our
economic planning from geographically-based extraction and production
activities to a much more distributed and low-carbon system that looks
different in every location. As the Stern Report made clear, not doing
this is unaffordable — so doing it is by definition economically
necessary. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be politically easy.
Amir Jina: I
think it's possible from both perspectives, but maybe not from a policy
one. I'm skeptical of threshold values as targets. Putting emphasis on
350 ppm, 400 ppm, or 2°C can be alarmist and can be demotivating when we
pass one of those thresholds without the world ending. The question
that I want to know the answer to is: "What does stabilization at 450
ppm look like in terms of economic damage and how much will it cost us
to get there?" We really need some rational discussion of the costs and
benefits in order to push the policy needle.
Gernot Wagner: Could
we get there — technically and economically? Yes. Will we? That's a
different question. 450-550 ppm, of course, is a big range. Technically,
1.5°C might be achievable. Politically, it is not. So, aim for 1.5°C, but prepare for 2°-3°C or worse.
What are the big questions the world still needs a clearer
answer on when it comes to the economics of climate change?
Andrew Steer: The
really difficult issues now are given that even though we now know it’s
in nations interests economically to move toward a low carbon economy,
that doesn’t mean everybody can. We have a lot of vested interests that
would suffer. The really tough questions are of a political economy
nature and how we compensate the losers. They may be poor people, they
may be coal miners, they may be entire swaths of countries that were
manufacturing goods in a high carbon way.
nature of the question has changed a bit from not “what should we do”
because we know what we should do to “how do we build coalitions so we
can actually do it.” In economics, there is a phrase called path
dependency. That means you embark on a path — for example, everyone is
going to travel to work in automobile. So you build roads. It turns out
100 years into that, you realize this isn’t the smartest way to get into
work. Now that we’re on that path, it’s very difficult to switch from
one path to another. You’ve got locked in capital but you’ve got vested
interests — automakers, gas producers, road engineers and so on. So if
you want to get out of a path dependent system, you need to disrupt the
system. The field of economics needs to focus on some of those issues,
which involve thinking about how we retrain coal miners or how we make
sure the Rust Belt doesn’t all vote for Donald Trump because they feel
globalization has left them behind.
Delavane Diaz: 1)
Adaptation to climate impacts: How humans plan for and respond to
climate change will play a major role in the resulting economics of
climate change, yet our understanding of both the rate and effectiveness
of adaptation is extremely limited. Adaptation will incur its own
costs, and may be subject to policy and institutional barriers or market
Potential threshold responses and tipping elements in the Earth system:
Examples include a disruption of the oceanic thermohaline circulation,
sudden methane releases from the oceans or permafrost, or
disintegrations of the Greenland or Antarctic ice sheets. The geological
record shows evidence of such threshold responses in the Earth system,
but the mechanisms, dynamics, and sensitivities are deeply uncertain.
Interactions and feedbacks between geographical regions and economic
sectors: Impact assessments often focus on a single sector or region,
and thus fail to capture possible interactions that could either
exacerbate or alleviate the damage to society. Mechanisms can be both
direct (migration in response to flooding or drought) and indirect
(higher global food prices from declining agricultural yields in a given
region). An extreme scenario could include cascading effects triggered
by interdependencies between climatic, ecological, and human systems.
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