As Mr. Trump gets more familiar with the ROI on such investments, and the concurrent environmental improvements and reduced stress on our eco-capital, we have no doubt he will embrace the smarts of building a green economy while addressing restoring the needed balance between our beautiful, robust eco-system and economy.

If it didn’t really happen we would have never thought it possible- Al Gore working with Donald Trump on climate change! It’s like Felix Unger trying to get Oscar Madison to work on cleaning his room. Not happening! But one thing Felix didn’t have in his corner
was Oscar’s daughter trying to get her farther to listen to Felix.

Al Gore may have all he needs in getting the Trump Administration to pay attention to climate change, and that’s thanks to Ivanka Trump. It’s no secret that Ivanka and her husband’s opinions and counsel are well respected by Trump. This week, Ivanka was credited with organizing a meeting between her father and Al Gore to discuss climate change.
Mr. Gore said the meeting "Was a sincere search for areas of common ground,” which, in our mind, is a step in the right direction.
If we look deeper at this, what should we think? Well, Trump has been building his administration with conservatives, and many of the possible names for his environmental posts are not in favor of current policy. If Ivanka Trump pushes the issue and Al Gore continues his "interesting conversation" with the president, however, this could become a test of how willing President Trump is to cross party orthodoxy.
In the end, how this plays out may have more to do with how influential Ivanka is rather than how persuasive Al Gore is. Ivanka Trump is perceived to be a more progressive voice on her father's transition team, compared to his other advisers. Being a mother of three children Ivanka may have a much greater interest in making sure that her children will live in a healthy and clean environment.
We’ll continue to cover this story and we’re hoping that this “odd couple” can help keep our planet clean.
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