Here's the story's link:
Some of the article: "The White House said the standards will save American businesses that operate and own these commercial vehicles approximately $50 billion in fuel costs over the life of the program.
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed the standards in close coordination with the companies that met with the president today as well as other stakeholders, following requests from companies to develop this program.
The cost savings for American businesses are on top of the $1.7 trillion that American families will save at the pump from the historic fuel-efficiency standards announced by the Obama Administration for cars and light duty trucks, including the model year 2017-2025 agreement announced by the President last month."
Look at how well this fits with our focus on the business side of green. Here is a new law that will provide cleaner air and save the transportation industry, though the life of the bill, 50b. Yes, we will spend more to build and buy the trucks, but that investment will come back many times to the owners and operators of our trucks, and will reduce the carbon footprint, by a lot, of the industry.
We will bring on a DOT and EPA expert to take a closer look at the bill and its impact on our economy and environment.
Arpin and Renewable Now look forward to sharing a cleaner road with you. 
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