I've been interviewed there before and look forward to going back. Let us know what you think:

Foodies for Thought
Would it immediately grab your interest if I started this newsletter with a fun YouTube video of me doing cartwheels and jumping up and down and clicking my heels together AND looking you straight in the eye to get your attention? And if I looked you straight in the eye and said, "You have got to listen to these super inspiring food shows. The guests and the content are that great. You will learn such amazing stuff and have fun learning. Pinky swear." Let me know your thoughts about a video like that, but in the meantime...
First case in point - Meet Paul Novak, General Manager, WholeVine. This cutting edge company is taking POMACE (skins and seeds remaining after grapes are pressed for wine production) and making an entire line of FINE culinary products from them. Such as? Delicious, kids-want-to-eat-them whole grain, gluten free cookies; cold-pressed culinary grape seed oils with names like Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc; and - drum roll please - SIXTEEN Chef-tested natural flours made from world class sustainably grown California fine wine grapes. The gluten-free flour is made from antioxidant-rich fine wine grape skins and seeds - both of which used to go to the compost pile. How did this all get started by one of the owners of Kendall-Jackson? To support a charity event maybe? This show will air this Saturday at noon and yes, I do believe you want to join us.
Second case in point - Can you imagine 81 fruit trees on a third of an acre of land in the middle of one of the largest cities in America? Do you know what a food mile is and how many miles your tomato probably traveled from farm to your plate? Do you want to know? Are you interested in a free webinar that will teach you how to grow your own food with limited time and space? Do you want to meet and learn about Greg Peterson - the Über Urban Gardener? Probably.
Trust me when I say you want to listen to our shows because of the great guests, the great things you will learn from them and the fun you will have learning!
Here are the links to our great past shows!
![]() Time to Bee Smart What are pollinators and why do they matter? What are the facts around the seriousness of the disappearing bees? What is colony collapse disorder and and why does it happen? Bee smart and click here to listen. . ![]() Masterminding a Green Revolution Want to engage young people to help move the planet forward? Did you know that 880 million people are already food insecure? Ever hear of mushroom packing instead of Styrofoam peanuts? Join the movement & join the show. ![]()
Alex Fried - 8/30
Trash Talk
What's the plan for college campus waste? What does a zero waste campus look like? What is planned obsolescence & why should we REALLY care? What is the fundamentally broken pattern of consumption? Listen & learn what you can do. ![]()
Über Urban Gardener
What does 81 fruit trees on a third of an acre look like? Do you know what a food mile is and how many miles your tomato probably traveled from farm to your plate? Do you want to know? If you've thought about gardening, click here.
Are you ready to push the boundaries so more and more people will be engaged with our mission of moving our planet from grave danger to healthy and healing? It's time. Be a change agent. Become a member now.
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September 13
Ingenuity is Ripe in the Vineyards
Paul Novak, WholeVine General Manager
Cold-pressed oils, gluten-free cookies, 16 flours and whole grain cookies made from grapes "scraps" once tossed in the landfill? Yes. WholeVine offers an entire line of culinary products produced solely from pomace (skins and seeds remaining after grapes are pressed for wine production), a delicious example of full cycle sustainability I discovered at the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Cooking for Solutions Institute this past spring. I knew I had to share this incredible story with the Mrs. Green's World tribe and so I shall. Please join us. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.
September 20
Taking Care of Business, People and the Planet
Office Depot's three environmental aspirations are to "Buy Green," "Be Green" and "Sell Green." How are they doing? They have achieved the widest green product assortment in the office products industry. They have reduced their electricity use by over 20% and have saved at least 21,000 tons of waste from landfills. And they have helped thousands of customers reduce the environmental impact of their businesses. After I heard Mr. Siddiqui present at a higher education sustainability conference, I concluded Office Depot is taking big steps and making a big impact. Join us to decide what you think. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
September 27
From Boat Deck to Dinner Table
Is that genuine American Red Snapper you just ordered? Do you know where your Grouper is from? Do you know who harvested your fish and from where in the Gulf of Mexico, and at what port your fish landed? Trust me when I say Tj Tate does. And she knows her fishermen - she believes Gulf Wild is making an impact in conservation efforts from the boat deck to the dinner table. Be prepared to be informed and entertained. This show is sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
October 4
Paying it Forward
Kids do care about the future. Here's proof. One More Generation (OMG) was founded by two elementary students in Fayetteville, GA. Carter (now 13) and his sister Olivia (now 11.5) are extremely passionate about animals and conservation and vowed to do something about it. Their pet project? They have been adopting Cheetahs in South Africa over the past few years - ever since they heard that Cheetahs, along with so many other species were close to extinction, they knew they had to act. So, of course, they started a totally independent nonprofit, and started educating other kids in every way you can imagine. Carter and Olivia have received a prestigious award from Captain Planet. And yes, I repeat, neither is old enough to drive. Don't you want to join me? This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
October 11
Yum! Learning to Love Weeds
Jerome is an Executive Chef, a thought leader and a game changer when it comes to what we will be eating in the future. I am not sure if I even understand Jerome's vision and his passion but somehow it involves eating weeds - Eco-bioflora. Jerome will talk about getting beyond food security. He is full of hope about our food future and believes it will be satisfying and fulfilling. He will share with us about concepts like "Vertical Rural Urbanization", biodiversity abundance and social plant welfare. Jerome wants to inspire and educate us about our ever-changing food service DEEDS and about putting them ahead of our desperate needs. Yikes. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.
October 18
Health is a Family Affair
HealthBarn's mission is to ensure that ALL family members eat and live healthier lives. They teach children (and the grown-ups who love them) about delicious, nutritious food and the healthy lifestyle that goes with it. Kids learn how to grow their own fruits and vegetables and how to make the best choices at the supermarket or in a restaurant and how to have fun doing just that. They have reached over 40,000 children and their numbers are growing. Stacey is the force behind all of this and she will share with us her passion and her success in getting families to raise their nutrition literacy through hands-on learning. Listen to hear why HealthBarn has emerged as a major force for positive change in the lives of children and their families. Given our national healthcare crises and its unquestionable relationship to our diets, I am ready to listen. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
October 25
Save them All
Their mission is simple and incredibly powerful: "Together, we will end the killing in America's shelters. Save them all." Millions of pets end up in shelters each year for a myriad of reasons - divorce, foreclosure, death in the family, economic problems and sometimes even problems with the pets and their behavior. Tragically, over 4 million of these homeless pets are killed in shelters each year. The research done by the Best Friends Animal Society supports that 90% of the animals that enter shelters are adoptable, or could be, with care and treatment. Best Friends believe it's possible to make this senseless killing a thing of the past and they intend to do just that. Join me to learn how. This show in memory of Pamela Hodges.
Mrs. Green's World
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, streaming on the Internet.
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