Heidi Williams
In October 2016, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is hosting the Tiny House Competition. Santa Clara University is one of ten teams competing in the inaugural contest patterned after the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon. For the past two years an interdisciplinary undergraduate team has been researching, designing, and building rEvolve House, SCU’s 238-sq- ft entry in the competition, which will be judged in four categories: architecture, energy efficiency, communications, and home life. All are welcome on to visit the competition at Cosumnes River College on Saturday, October 15, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., to tour the entries, attend workshops, visit exhibits, and more.
WE WON!!!! Excitement was brewing this morning as the teams gathered for the announcement of the winners of the competition’s sub-categories and main categories. But we were trying to keep our hopes in check. We’ve learned from our Solar Decathlon experiences that you never know how the subjective judging is going to go. So, though we’d won outright in the measured contests, we couldn’t be sure of the outcome.
Of the 20 judged sub-categories, SCU won 6: day lighting, integrated lighting, interior design, best kitchen, best program, and best tour. We started to let ourselves believe. Next, the four main categories were announced. Energy: Santa Clara University. YES!! Architecture: Laney College. That’s okay. Communication: Santa Clara University. YES!!!!! Homelife: Berkeley. Champion: SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY!!!!!!!!
Hugs, tears, joy. Then the team gathered on their beautiful deck for photos and held Papa Reites’ green hardhat high. Congratulations, Tim Hight for leading this team to victory. Congratulations, team; you bring such pride to SCU!
MORE AT: /www.scu.edu/engineering/stories/tiny-house-blog.html
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